Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to check.

Most men discover testicular cancer themselves. The recommended method for a self exam is to start off by taking a warm shower. Showering allows the muscles to relax allowing for easier examination. While standing place your right leg on an elevated surface. With your fingers examine the surface of your right testicle, by rolling it between your thumb and forefingers. Repeat this process on your left testicle as well.
A normal testicle will be smooth and without bumps, or hard spots. You should feel the epididymis it shaped like a comma and might even be a little bit tender. It is not unusual for this structure to extend a bit behind the testicle. At the top there is a small tube called the spermatic cord. You should be able to feel the spermatic cord between your thumb and forefinger and it should be soft and movable.
Also, doctors generally examine the testicles during routine physical exams. Between regular checkups, if you notice anything unusual about your testicles, you should talk with your doctor. Guys should see a doctor if they notice any of the following symptoms:
• a painless lump or swelling in a testicle
• pain or discomfort in a testicle or in the scrotum
• any enlargement of a testicle or change in the way it feels
• a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
• a dull ache in the lower abdomen, back, or groin
• a sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum
These symptoms can be caused by cancer or by other conditions. It is important to see a doctor to determine the cause of any of these symptoms.

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